Natalia Lee Salgado Jeffress was born on December 7th, at 1:50pm. She weighed 3.2 kilos (or 7 pounds) and measured 50 cm (19 inches) tall.
So here's the story of how she was born.
On Monday, December 6th, I went for my check up with the doctor. I was hopeful that i would have some dialation, although I'd had only minor cramps and pains. However, I was 0 cm dialated and only 5% effaced. The doctor noticed that she wasn't as far down as she had been on Friday. This cuased some concern, so he decided to do an ultrasound, and we saw that she once again had the cord around her neck. My doctor was afriad that this meant that she was trying to get far down enough to start labor, but that the cord was pulling her back up. This really freaked me out.
So we decided that I was going to take this pill to start contractions in the morning. He would check me in the afternoon and see if I was dialted and if Natalia was able to move far enough down to be delivered vaginally. If not, it would be a c section.
So I went home and literally cried about it. I was so scared that I told Carlos that I wasn't going to take the pill, I was willing to wait and see what happened. Thank god for my husband who was just supportive and said that we would do whatever I wanted and whatever felt right. That night I had a dream about her and everything was fine, so in the morning I decided to go ahead with the doctor's plan. This is a run down of the morning:
9:50- I took the 'magic pill' (called mizoprostol)
10:00- I felt one contraction- basically a menstral cramp- not too different from the ones i had had earlier. The contractions continued.
10:15- I started to time the now much stronger contractions- they were 2-3 minutes apart.
10:30- I called Carlos and told him to get his butt back to the house (he had gone to work)
11:00- the contractions were now only 2 minutes apart, very regular, so i called my mother-in-law and told her that i didn't think i could last until 1:30, when i had my appointment with the doctor.
12:00- I was getting quite annoyed and upset, so Carlos called the doctor. We arranged to meet him in 30 minutes in his office.
12:30- The doctor was not there yet. I was pissed.
12:45- the doctor finally came, checked me out, and saw that I was 5 cm dialated, and that she was in position. I told him that even though i had said that i wasnt sure i would want a epidural, i was now quite sure that i did. He said well lets go to the clinic!
1:10- We left for the clinic- only about 5 blocks away. You would assume this would be very quick. But no. The street was PACKED i mean traffic was just plain STOPPED. (not too uncommon for the road, but still) Usually now, i am a very calm person. But this was jsut not ok for me. I was leaning over and honking the horn, telling Carlos that i was getting out and walking, telling him to turn around and go another way. All this in between my contractions of course, which were now, oh yes, ONE minute apart. and lasting for about a minute. (Mom later told me that she was scared I was gonna have the baby in the car)
1:30- FINALLY we get to the clinic, the doctor had called ahead, so they knew we were coming. I was immeadiatly rushed to the delivery room, where they gave me a IV and started to put in the epidural. Now if youve never had one, it takes a few minutes to put them in. They had just started, when I felt the urge to push. I was screaming at them to stop the epidural and let me push, let me turn over. But they had already started, so of course, they couldnt just stop. But i could NOT stay still, so the doctor and Carlos had to hold me down. Finally i turned over and the doctor said yep 9cm. (I had dialated 4 cm in the CAR in the freaking traffic!!) They let me push a little, and BAM the water broke, and I got my 10 cm.
1:50- Natalia Lee was born. 20 minutes after we got to the clinic.
So what most women do in like 20 hours, I did in 4. Which has is pluses, but it was also a lot more intense 4 hours than most have. so I guess it evens out. All I know is that the little pill I took is known down here as a 'magic pill' and now I understand why.
Oh, here's the link to the facebook pictures in case you haven't seen them yet.
I'll post more on how she's doing now (just fine, napping in the hammock with her daddy) But shes about to wake up and its time for her feeding and bath.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sorry for the delay...
So I havent' posted here in while.. oops. But being pregnant, working everyday, then giving private lessons every afternoon really wore me out. But i'm now offically on maternity leave! YAY!
Mexican maternity leave means 6 weeks before the baby is due and 6 weeks afterwards. It more time overall than the usual in the states, but less time with the actual baby. (i think its like 8 weeks after the baby, but only 1 or 2 before) I have to say, I have been presently surprised and impressed with the mexican health care system. Of course, its not perfect, its got a lot of problems, but its much more advanced than the US. For example, everyone who works gets free health care. period. No co-pay or any mess like that. If you don't work, you can pay into the system (very little, btw) and get free health care as well. Of course, ou don't have your choice of doctor.. you have one assigned to you. Many people would hate this, and it is understandable, however there is a great upside to this public system. The fact that you can get FREE decent health care means that the private health care system has to offer something extra, or no one would use it at all. This means that the cost of PRIVATE health care is cheap! I go to both private and public (i have to go to the public a certain number of times to qualify for my 100% maternity leave payment) and my private doctor I only pay about $30-40 everytime I go, and I get an ultrasound just about everytime. When I got my addendix taken out 2 years ago (a major surgery, althought routine) it only cost me $300, in a private clinic. Can you imagine what it would have cost in a hospital in the states? Much less a private clinic!
Anyway, things are going quite well, I'm currently in week 35 (out of 40) and don't really have much to complain about. Sometimes its hard to get a good breath, but i can usually stand up real straight for a while or lay down and Natalia will move a little. My belly is quite large for me, but in comparasion with the other mexican women down here, its tiny. I guess thats the benefit of being tall- Natalia has more room to move! She doesn't have to push straight out- most women down here have HUGE bellies at 8 months.
We had a baby shower a few weeks ago. You can see pictures here on facebook if you haven't seen them already. My mother-in-law had some taken too- I'll put those up as soon as I get a digital copy.
The house is getting in order too- We've got the crib and clothes and diapers ready. I still have a little decorating to do before i'll post pictures of everything, but hopefully this weekend Carlos can hang up the last of everything and I'll post on Monday. In the mean time, you'll have to deal with a new belly picture!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Halfway... almost
So I offically have 19.5 weeks, (almost 5 months for you non-pregnant people) which is close enough to halfway, and actually I'm hoping it will be a little over halfway! (i really don't want to be pregnant the full 40 weeks) I haven't posted any 'belly pictures' because I really just felt fat. Actually, I felt like how i did in high school. Overweight, littel pot belly, and with acne. Yeppers, with pregnancy also comes skin problems. It's not as bad as high school, but it's there nonetheless.
The good news is that yesterday I started to feel the baby kick! I had felt some movement before, but nothing like yesterday. It's kinda hard to describe, but I like to say it was like feeling your heartbeat really strong in your stomach. (except obviously, I feel it in my uterus) Yesterday I could hardly sit in one place for more than 10 minutes before i felt this soft banging. It lasted like a good hour! So I decided that the baby wanted to be standing up and walking. So after taking the dogs for a little walk, the baby seemed to calm down until I went to bed, where it started again. Luckly, right now, these movements are so soft that they don't keep me from sleeping, but i'm sure that's not long off.
The funny thing is is that in the morning. I SWEAR my tummy looked bigger. Like all that kicking was so that the baby could have more room. hahaha. I know it's silly, but really, I put on a shirt that fit me fine two days ago, and I had an obvious pregnancy belly! So I decided that since I'm almost halfway, and I finally feel like I look pregnant and not just fat I would write a post.
Things are looking good for baby things as well. We've put down a deposit on a crib, which i really like. It converts to an indiviual size bed when you're done with the crib! Its an invidual size frame, and you put two nightstands on the end of the bed (they come with the bed) and it creates a 'dresser' (the nightstands have drawers) and also a pad to change the baby! Then, it the room that remains, there goes a crib size mattress and a railing all the way around. So whenever we're ready, we take off the nightstands, buy a mattress and viola! a bed for a 'big kid'. We also saw a stroller which I want. It's on sale right now for the same price as what it costs in the states! (which is a big deal, as most things are much more expensive)
I'm so ready for August 9th.. its my next appointment and we can FINALLY find out the sex of the baby. sigh. 4 more weeks.
I'll leave you with my belly picture.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
So I know it's been a while since I updated people, but it's been a busy few weeks! I had my doctor's appointment on Monday and it was soooo exciting!! I got to see how the fetus (we won't know gender until my next appointment on august 9th!!) is moving and developing! Its little legs were kicking and its arms were moving and scratching its head. It was amazing to think that this little moving, living thing is inside me and I can't even feel it yet!! (although I know I will soon)
Everything is normal, and tomorrow I officially complete 4 months! It's crazy how fast the last 4 months have passed. I brought the ultrasound pictures to school with me today to scan them, so like 4 other people found out I was pregnant. I've already told my boss so it's not a big deal, and I guess everyone will know when we come back from vacation and I am big as a whale!
I'm feeling better now that I'm in the second trimester. I'm over having to carry saltines with me everywhere, and basically now I'm just hungry all the time. (which is probably a good thing because I actually LOST weight in the first trimester, which my doctor said was ok as long as I gain weight this trimester) I'm not as tired as I was, but there are still some afternoons that I have to lie down and rest. I am having some trouble with varicose veins, and my legs hurt if i stand up too much (which is hard not to, being a teacher) but i got some control hose and a special lotion thats supposed to help.
Carlos has been very good to me, always bringing me things and helping out. Another good thing is that we hired a woman to help me with cleaning the house two days a week (because of the varicose veins, and because we'll need it in a few months anyway). She sweeps and mops the whole house, the bathroom, the outside patio, and cooks a meal for less than $20 a day. Try to find that in the US!! (Meredith!)
Well I think that's about it, but I'll leave you with my ultrasound pictures! (to see them bigger you can go here)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Yep! I'm Preggers!
So, I'm pregnant!!! 13 weeks along actually. We knew about it earlier, but due to my sister-in-law having a miscarriage we didn't feel comfortable telling a lot of people until the 3 month mark. Things have been going well, I've had a little morning sickness, but nothing extreme. What i have noticed though, is a loss in patience! I used to be very very patient with everyone, Carlos, my students, during disputes. Well that is long gone! Especially after a stressful move, and being a week without internet and cable.. i was about to loose it. Thank GOD that the cable company works 7 days a week. They finally came on Sunday. It hasn't helped either that Carlos has been working extra long hours due to a factors out of his control. He's had to work the past two sundays as well!
The good thing is that my new house is great. There's LOTS of space, a big yard which i love, not to mention, my dogs. They went crazy when we first got here and are just happier everyday. The other great thing about this house is that down the street we have access to a pool!!! I'm very excited about this (even tho i've only used it once) It's very helpful right now, as we are kind of in-between the dry and rainy seasons. (this basically means that if it doesn't rain, its hot as hell)
Pregnancy wise, I'm not showing really at all, but a lot of people have noticed that i look skinny in my face (which is true) however, my boobs and belly have been growing (it doesn't look like a pregnancy belly, it just looks like a pot In general, things have been good. My due date is December 7th, and we won't know the sex for a little while longer. (probably the 5th month) If i left something out, feel free to comment!
The good thing is that my new house is great. There's LOTS of space, a big yard which i love, not to mention, my dogs. They went crazy when we first got here and are just happier everyday. The other great thing about this house is that down the street we have access to a pool!!! I'm very excited about this (even tho i've only used it once) It's very helpful right now, as we are kind of in-between the dry and rainy seasons. (this basically means that if it doesn't rain, its hot as hell)
Pregnancy wise, I'm not showing really at all, but a lot of people have noticed that i look skinny in my face (which is true) however, my boobs and belly have been growing (it doesn't look like a pregnancy belly, it just looks like a pot In general, things have been good. My due date is December 7th, and we won't know the sex for a little while longer. (probably the 5th month) If i left something out, feel free to comment!
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