Thursday, June 17, 2010


So I know it's been a while since I updated people, but it's been a busy few weeks! I had my doctor's appointment on Monday and it was soooo exciting!! I got to see how the fetus (we won't know gender until my next appointment on august 9th!!) is moving and developing! Its little legs were kicking and its arms were moving and scratching its head. It was amazing to think that this little moving, living thing is inside me and I can't even feel it yet!! (although I know I will soon)
Everything is normal, and tomorrow I officially complete 4 months! It's crazy how fast the last 4 months have passed. I brought the ultrasound pictures to school with me today to scan them, so like 4 other people found out I was pregnant. I've already told my boss so it's not a big deal, and I guess everyone will know when we come back from vacation and I am big as a whale!
I'm feeling better now that I'm in the second trimester. I'm over having to carry saltines with me everywhere, and basically now I'm just hungry all the time. (which is probably a good thing because I actually LOST weight in the first trimester, which my doctor said was ok as long as I gain weight this trimester) I'm not as tired as I was, but there are still some afternoons that I have to lie down and rest. I am having some trouble with varicose veins, and my legs hurt if i stand up too much (which is hard not to, being a teacher) but i got some control hose and a special lotion thats supposed to help.
Carlos has been very good to me, always bringing me things and helping out. Another good thing is that we hired a woman to help me with cleaning the house two days a week (because of the varicose veins, and because we'll need it in a few months anyway). She sweeps and mops the whole house, the bathroom, the outside patio, and cooks a meal for less than $20 a day. Try to find that in the US!! (Meredith!)
Well I think that's about it, but I'll leave you with my ultrasound pictures! (to see them bigger you can go here)

1 comment:

  1. I already told you to send her my way!

    Take it easy, and take care of that parasite, it is my god parasite after all.

    Miss you bunches and bunches and bunches!
