Sunday, March 13, 2011

3 Months

I know its already past the 3 month mark, actually you are offically 3 months and 6 days old today. But life has gotten in the way of blogging (as usual.) Carlos had knee surgery, which incially went well, but then the day after they took the stitches out, he started hemorraging. He was in terrible pain and had to go back to the hospital, where instead of another out patient surgery (like it was before) it was a 5 day stay. ANd all of this happened when mom was out of town, so my life was get up, get Natalia ready, get myself ready, work, race around town getting whatever had to bedone for that day done, go to the hospital, pick up Natalia, go home, eat something, and sleep. repeat for 5 days. Needless to say, I didnt have time to write a blog. But here are the things i want to say to my beautiful baby girl.


You are now three months old! Your present was finally getting to see your Papi after 5 days of missing him. You are now much more awake and alert. You figured out how to move your rattle by yourself, and although you hit yourself in the head and start to cry, you seem to like it. You still really enjoy the fan, but you've found a new love. Balloons. Your Abuela brought you a blue star balloon from a party she went to, and you couldn't keep your eyes off it. It went with us in the car, on walks in your stroller, it basically calmed you down. But after a few days it started losing its air, so your Abuela bought you a new one! This time it was a heart shaped red one (for valentine's day) I think you loved it even more. And it lasted just about the whole month. You can laugh and squeal in delight now, which you do frequently. You really are a calm baby for the most part, and are only really fussy when youre tired and can't get to sleep. The hammock always works to make you take a nap, but I'm worried about getting you too used to it, as I don't think anyone we will be staying with in the states will have one. You got very used to being at your Abuelo's house, and you love playing with them too. You are a little scientist as grandma says, you love to look at things and try to figure them out. I love you and I can't wait to see you get bigger!!
Love your momma

1 comment:

  1. Excuse me, I believe Meredith purchased a hammock in Mexico (although whether she has a place to put it I'm not sure) so it might just work!
