Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First words

Tallie has been babbling up a STORM recently. They have a saying here in Mexico that babies either walk first or talk first, they can't concentrate on both things at once. Well, now that Tallie has completely dominated walking, and is running whenever she can, it's obvious that she's focusing on speaking. Other than papa and occasionally (much to my frustration)mama, she has made two non-accidental, used with meaning words. The first one was last week, and it was 'hot.' grandma gets her cup of coffee every morning, and always tells Tallie that it's hot. This was reinforced with her food being hot. I came home one day and mom told me she said hot clear as day. I wasn't so sure, but then damn if she didn't sit down on our title entryway, which had been in the sun all afternoon, stand up and say 'hot!' of course, it sounds a lot more like 'aahhdd' but hey, it's understandable! And she used it in a new situation. We had never told her that the titles were hot. Then tonight, she said her second word! Not ball or doll, or any typical one, no no, my Tallie is obsessed with Micky Mouse and dogs. So you can imagine. Her second word was 'Pluto!' she said it very clearly, only admitting the l sound slightly. It was adorable, and I want to try to get it on video. That's the plan for tomorrow. I LOVE watching her grow and I can't wait till she's saying English AND Spanish words. :)

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